2022 – Registration – Agile Work In Science

·  MODULE 1: WHAT IS AGILE/NEW WORKSeptember 6, 13:30-16:30

·  MODULE 2: DESIGN THINKING on-site at ZMT – September 12, 9:30-17:30

·  MODULE 3: AGILE MEETINGS & DECISION-MAKING-PROCESSES online – September 27, 09:30-12:30

The aim of the training series ‘Agile Work in Science’ is to show scientists in early career stages creative and agile working methods that are state-of-the-art outside of science and would also be valuable and useful in science. In doing so, we will cover the corresponding mindsets of “agile work”, “new work” or “inner work” as well as concrete methods and approaches that the participants can transfer to their work reality.

What you can get out of this course:

  • An overview on central principles of “new work”, e.g.  and a better understanding of the ideas behind these buzzwords. You can reflect how these ideas could be transferred into your own work in academia.
  • You have experienced “Design Thinking” as a method for creative work and reflected in how far it could be used for your working tasks in academia.
  • You will learn how meetings can be designed to be efficient and worthful for everybody attending based on the “new work”-mindset. This also includes learning different procedures on how fair decisions can be made in the team or in the research group.

The courses will be characterized by a balance between theoretical impulses, actively trying out what you have learned, networking among participants as well as self-reflection and discussion.

We are working together with two professional coaches from  INNOKI, a berlin-based Innovation consultancy. Both have lots of experience with “New Work” and also the science sector.

Target Group: Postdocs, Senior Scientists, Junior Research Group leader, others (please contact Janine Reinhard)
Instructors: Julia Rummel, Ph.D & Lea Feldhaus

Please note that your registration is a binding commitment to participate in the full course. Drop-in and drop-out are not possible as this interrupts the learning process of the group and yourself.
As places are limited, we would like to allow another candidate to attend the course in case you cannot participate. Please inform Janine Reinhard as early as possible about changes: janine.reinhard@leibniz-zmt.de.

Thank you very much for your understanding!