Summer School »Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Social-Ecological Systems«

The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) has joined forces with the International Ocean Institute (IOI) to host a summer school on the topic “Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Social-Ecological Systems“.

The event will take place from 18th to 29th November 2024. The interdisciplinary Summer School enables around 30 international participants to develop solution pathways for the sustainable management and protection of the oceans and offers a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas with experienced researchers and practitioners.

Summer School »Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Social-Ecological Systems«

hosted by the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and the International Ocean Institute Germany (IOI)

WHEN: Monday 18th November – Friday 29th November 2024

WHERE: Online Course

Highlights include: 

  • An intensive academic programme providing you with a scientific basis from various disciplines (social and natural sciences) to enable you to engage in marine governance and the sustainable blue economy.
  • We have invited leading experts from various disciplines and prestigious institutions to work with the participants.
  • Speakers and topics are: Raimund Bleischwitz (Blue Carbon), Andrea Koschinsky (Deep Sea Mining), Rüdiger Wolfrum (Law of the Sea and BBNJ Agreement), and many more.
  • Meet other international young, visionary scholars and network with future leaders in ocean governance.

We invite applications from early-career scientists (PhD candidates, postdocs) in the field of marine research (biology, chemistry, geology, geography, sociology, political science and related) and representatives of government and non-governmental organisations with a relevant scientific background. Applications of scholars from tropical countries are especially welcomed.

Course Fees: Free of charge for eligible candidates – the program is supported by IOI and ZMT.

Organisation: content: Achim Schlüter (Institutional Economics); Tim Jennerjahn (Biogeochemistry); logistics: ZMT Academy

Programme: Monday till Friday – 3 hours per day | 1 pm – 2:30 pm CET (UTC+2) and 3 pm – 4:30 pm CET (UTC+2), plus participation in workgroup on regional case studies in the field of ‘Blue Economy’.

Interested researchers can apply here until October 15th, 2024: